The crises of the last decades, and the challenge posed by the global climate change, made the business managers aware that the only way to prevent profit from being something ephemeral is to coordinate economical, social and environmental dimensions in a single long term corporate mission.
The current economic system is largely geared towards increasing economic growth at the expense of increasing social inequality and environmental degradation. Yet companies can have a positive impact on sustainable development goals. The role of Education is to facilitate these paradigm shifts, e.g. to support young people and students to acquire new skills, in our case Skills about the Impact economy. Indeed the impact economy model is well-positioned to find an appropriate balance across all three pillars: economic, social and environmental.
The two main General objectives of Impact Academy project are:
• Building a Culture of Social Impact and Sustainability in Entrepreneurship education integrating research, experimentation,
scientific knowledge into a unique and distinctive offer
• Promoting the creation of a new generation of agents who are builders of a new, sustainable, fair and open world.
It is not easy to build a Purpose in business if you do not have cognitive, scientific and practical skills to acquire within your learning path.
In Coherence with that our Specific Objectives are:
• Create an Impact Economy Program offer in High Education in order to create a generation of young entrepreneurs
capable of seizing opportunities, not in an opportunistic sense, but with a view to pursuing the best outcome for society
• Provide tools, strategies and methods for impact entrepreneurship, enabling participants to create their own social impact
enterprise and to actively participate in it.
Our objectives are perfectly consistent with the 2 chosen priorities:
• Entrepreneurial skills:The project promote, indeed, entrepreneurship education in higher education;
• Climate change:The impact economy can play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of climate change by investing in and
supporting businesses that promote sustainability and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Trough a free course on a multilingual and user-friendly online platform, we aspire to clarify what impact skills are; which are the main aspects a new entrepreneur need to take into account in designing her/his activities; how to move from a trade-off logic among social engagement, environmental awareness and economical efficiency to a three pillars rationale, in which every element will be useful to the business mission; how to write an agile but complete social report; how to measure the success of her/his efforts.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Legal description – Creative Commons licensing: The materials published on the IMPACT ACADEMY project website are classified as Open Educational Resources' (OER) and can be freely (without permission of their creators): downloaded, used, reused, copied, adapted, and shared by users, with information about the source of their origin.