Aydın Adnan Menderes University is in Aydın City, in the west of Turkey.
Although Aydın is a city famous for its tourism on the coast of the Aegean Sea, it is also an agricultural city. Historically, HEREDOTUS said for Aydın city "The most beautiful place under the sky" and this city have been difined as "The place where olive oil flows through its mountains and honey from its valleys'
Aydın Adnan Menderes University, located in Aydın province, was founded in 1992, it has 21 faculties, 2 colleges, 20 vocational colleges and a state conservatory in various parts of Aydın.
The University has more than 50,000 students, Academic personals: 1900 and Staffs:1200
The University annually welcomes around 400 international students from all over the world and already has bilateral agreements and friendly cooperation with more than 130 universities in Europe. the university has different faculties (Economics, Dentisty, Education, Arts and Sciences, Fine Arts, Nursing, Communication, Islamic Sciences, Kuşadası Maritime, Engineering, Nazilli of Economics and Administrative and Sciences, Health Sciences, Söke Business, Söke of Architecture and Design, Sports Science, Medicine, Tourism, Applied Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Tourism). Especially the faculties of agriculture, veterinary, medicine and tourism are among the active and important departments in the region.
There are also vocational high schools in the central campus and in different districts of Aydin. It serves students with social and cultural infrastructure services in addition to its scientific and educational infrastructure.
Murat YILMAZ graduated from Çukurova University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science in 1997. He completed his master’s degree in 2003 and his doctorate in 2008 in Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Department of Animal Science. He had been working as an teaching assistant between 2001-2008, as an research assistance between 2008-2012, as an associate professor between 2012-2017, and as a professor since 2018 at Aydın Adnan Menderes University Agriculture Faculty Department of Animal Science. He has been working on European Union projects in different fields for many years.
Murat YILMAZ, who is still a faculty member at Aydın Adnan Menderes University; He is the coordinator and partner of many European Union projects in the fields of agriculture, health, environment, digital literacy, and education. He is experienced in writing, executing and implementing EU projects.
Nilüfer DALKIRAN graduated Ege University English Language and Literature. She has worked as an English teacher for 20 years and she is very experienced in EU projects. Dalkıran worked as a project specialist in institutions of the government and national education research and development units for many years. Dalkıran retired in 2023. She now shares her experiences with young people as the president of an association to support young entrepreneurs.
She has experience in developing educational resources and training tools for lifelong learning and competence building.
She maintains a myriad of ties to various community development organizations, funds, and special interest groups.
Halis KALMIS is a professor of economics and finance. He graduated from Anadolu University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Business Administration. Kalmış completed his doctoral studies on the Creation and Application of a Cost Information System in the Light of Cost Management Approaches for the Global Competitive Environment.
He has searched on Financial, cost management and performance measurement at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative. He has lots of articles and books on financial accounting.
He expertes the ability to manage EU project’ budget management (14 projects).
Kalmış makes budgets for all our European projects and carries out budget monitoring and auditing.
Alkan ÇAĞLI graduated from Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Dairy Technologies in 2015. He is a PhD student at Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Animal Science.
Çağlı is an entrepreneur who makes contractual production with some companies, as the feed additive content he has developed has the feature of reducing methane emissions in ruminant animals.
Çağlı is also an experienced expert who has developed himself in statistical programs and computer use. He can speak English and he has been working as the project assistant for Prof. Murat YILMAZ since 2016. He is experienced in many European Union projects in the fields of agriculture, health, environment and education.
Selda MANAV graduated from Aydin Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Agriculture in 2018 with a first degree. She completed her master’s degree in 2021 in Aydin Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Science, Department of Animal Science. She is currently continuing her PhD education Aydin Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Science, Department of Animal Science. She can speak English and she has been working as the project assistant for Prof. Murat YILMAZ since 2018. She is experienced in many European Union projects in the fields of agriculture, health, environment and education. She is an administrative staff at Adnan Menderes University.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Erasmus+ France / Education & Training Agency. Neither the European Union nor the Erasmus+ France / Education & Training Agency can be held responsible for them
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